• Holiday Health

    As we come closer to the end of the year, I wish you all peaceful and restful days. Whether you are setting goals for the new year, clearing out clutter or connecting with supportive relationships both through social media, video conferencing or in person, please take the time to reflect. The time of reflect may help with determining how restful and peaceful you are within or how much more you may need to set aside for rest and peace to develop for you.

    I hope the following articles can help you with your goals and understanding of how different relationships can effect our peace and rest in the coming year like Deborah Grayson Riegel, MSW’s “Don’t make a ‘new’ new year resolution” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/speak-easy/202312/dont-make-a-new-new-years-resolution); Sean Grover, LCSW’s Family conflict may increase on holidays for 3 key reasons (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/when-kids-call-the-shots/202312/family-conflict-may-increase-on-holidays-for-3-key-reasons); and Psychology Today’s articles on Understanding Family Dynamics which is reviewed by the PT staff (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/family-dynamics). I hope that these articles prove helpful for anyone who hopes to have rest and peace in their lives in the coming new year whether within their relationships or within themselves.

    As always, enjoy the articles and videos on the website. Please note that these videos/articles are for you to enjoy, ignore if non-relevant to you, and to be shared with others who you believe may enjoy reading them. It is not to replace any medication, therapy or treatment. Always consult your provider before trying anything from these articles or videos. I usually send a similar message to my clients just to provide them extra support and to check if they would like to continue to receive these articles or videos. I hope to support you through these and to support the importance of mental health and to support others. Good mental health to you all until next time.